Final Exam Schedules
Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule
End of Term Policies
- Final exams are not required; it is the instructor's decision whether or not to schedule an exam for a class.
- Take-home finals are due at the time that the in-person final would have been scheduled. If a take-home is offered instead of a face-to-face, in-person exam, the due date may not be sooner or later than the exam schedule below indicates.
- No exam may run more than 2 hours in length.
- No exam may count for more than 1/3 of the total course grade.
- Final exam periods are not to be used for additional teaching periods, but these periods may be used for final presentations being given by students in lieu of a final exam.
- Students with 3 exams on the same calendar day OR with other conflicts may request a change of one of the exams. Requests must be made to the appropriate school dean NO LATER THAN two (2) weeks prior to the end of classes.